For all three sex was a test of strength, and I can say that both the blonde and the brunette were worthy of the test, showing the guy his ability to please. Impressed by the restlessness of the guy, who worked all the holes, not paying attention to the cries of whores. The brunette pose with his legs upwards impressed most of all - with such ease and agility the guy's ass bounces, and the cock knows its purpose.
The way I see it, the chick isn't particularly attractive. Belly in ugly folds, stretch marks on her thighs, lopsided ass. Except her breasts are attractive. I can't tell you how it is in the front, but you can see how fucked up her anus is. So realistically, the lady's working mouth is kind of attractive, nothing more!
How can a redhead know how to swallow a dick deep. And does a blow job so slow and high, it's nice to watch, and the man there in general is awesome.